The ICE GENETICS team is pleased to announce the launch of its ICE DAO platform for the cultivation and production of cannabis products in jurisdictions where the production and trafficking of cannabis is not a criminal offence.

It will probably be known to many that this is far from the world's first decentralized platform for the cultivation and production of cannabis products, operated by members of the DAO. But we hope that our innovative and open approach to community building will be of interest to a significant part of the community.

Prospects for ICE DAO

The best DAO models that we considered before forming our vision span at least two international jurisdictions and use at least three legal entities.

Sounds cumbersome? This is true, but that's because DAOs are rewriting the way we do business today.

Those of us who have watched the legalization of cannabis over the past two decades have felt all the obstacles the industry has faced.

Today, web3 technology is doing everything possible to increase the global participation in the legalization of cannabis.

In our opinion, there is an irreversible transformation of the community, ways of communication, doing business and providing services.

We are excited to be a part of these early developments!

“A decentralized autonomous organization or DAO is an organization represented by rules encoded in smart contracts that are transparent, controlled by the members of the organization, and independent of centralized control.

The Governance Token plays a key role as a utility token, allowing DAO members to participate in project governance, including proposing new features, voting on submitted projects, and approving funding.”

Decentralized Autonomous Organization or DAO

It is an organization represented by rules encoded as smart contracts that are transparent, controlled by the members of the organization and not dependent on centralized control.

The Governance Token plays a key role as a utility token, allowing DAO members to participate in project governance, including proposing new features, voting on submitted projects, and approving funding.”

Unfortunately, most of the world is deprived of the benefits of the legal cannabis industry and therefore enthusiastically perceives such technological solutions built on the blockchain architecture with web3 integration.

according to coinmarketcap

Launch of ICE DAO

ICE DAO aims to tokenize the canna industry with its own, non-government-licensed, decentralized and stakeholder-driven network platform.

The launch of ICE DAO is scheduled for Q3 2023 - with a personal governance token ($ICECOIN) organized and available on the blockchain!

The $ICECOIN Governance Token plays a key role as a utility token, allowing ICE DAO members to participate in the governance of the project, including offering new growing, breeding and research opportunities for cannabis products.

The $ICECOIN utility token provides for voting on submitted proposals and approving funding, as well as participating in crop-growing operations using the token in the form of a personal funding rate.

"The days of targeting a 'stonening' culture are over, now it's time to rethink what it means to cultivate cannabis."
member ICE DAO.
“Now our community can break the monopoly and decentralize a billion dollar industry.”
Rich Men
member ICE DAO.

The tenacious legal battles over cannabis rights in recent years have led to significant breakthroughs and increased tolerance around the world, including from the business side.

The ICE DAO removes barriers for those who want to participate in this prosperous economy, while at the same time having a strong social impact for the development of the industry as a whole.

With a series of non-fungible token (NFT) releases, as well as $ICECOIN launching in Q3 2023, all of our users will be able to participate in a decentralized governance model.

$ICECOIN it will include:

  • management utility that interacts with the ICE DAO ecosystem with submission of proposals;
  • voting mechanisms;
  • membership with prestige levels;
  • payment modules for services related to the cannabis industry, online and offline;
  • transaction transparency;
  • community accountability.

“At its most basic level, NFTs are intellectual property rights originally owned by creators. These rights are then packaged into NFTs or tokenized as part of NFTs and transferred to buyers.”

What can DAO do?

Not all DAOs are focused on building a commercial enterprise. Some of them are simply interest groups that act as subreddit.

Thanks to the worldwide Internet, DAOs are inherently cross-border organizations, bringing together people from many countries and different financial backgrounds around interests that are close to their convictions. People form DAOs based on common interests.

However, many DAOs are created specifically to make money. Some cannabis-focused DAOs create and sell NFTs related to cannabis and its derivatives. Other DAOs buy and hold NFTs as investments. And third DAOs, for example, have big aspirations, such as acquiring and operating functional cannabis enterprises. All these DAOs coexist harmoniously in the global canna community!

Many DAOs use NFTs as entry tickets to make their DAO more exclusive. This exclusivity actually has many functions. By creating an artificial scarcity, the DAO can remain small enough to do something in the real economy, but it can also increase the value of the DAO and NFTs. After all, sometimes a small number of like-minded people are needed to launch a successful project.

ICE DAO was originally conceived and built around the self-interest of a private international community group (see roadmap) Today it is a tight-knit international community committed to the research of cannabis-derived products (seeds, breeding, extraction and finished products for dispensaries, CBD oil, etc.) .).

In the medium term, it is planned to build a cannabis farm for breeding copyright work in the Kingdom of Thailand.

Our long-term ambition is to help breeders develop new strains that are more resistant to harsh environments and have the desired set of traits. Preserve and pass on to future generations, high-quality and selected genetic material to continue breeding work with a stunning plant.

What DAO Can't Do?

A DAO, by itself, cannot replace a traditional company without integration into existing legal and financial systems. Many legal, financial and technical minds are working to develop DAO models that preserve the best aspects of the DAO, applying the best legal and financial practices to ensure that DAO members get the best of all these worlds.

What does tokenization mean?

In the web3 world, tokenization means dividing the ownership, control, or some other rights associated with an asset into smaller pieces (tokens) that can be traded, held, bought, sold, and exchanged. This process is also called fractionation.

What is the tokenized security $ICECOIN?

“Tokenized securities” seems to us the easiest to explain, because they have an analogue in the modern business world. You can think of $ICECOIN security tokens as corporate stock or LLC ownership, along with their myriad equity and debt options, such as convertible bonds, preferred shares of ownership, and SAFE* (simple future equity agreements).

*“Security Tokens” are similar to tokenized securities, but they only carry traditional rights associated with traditional ownership.”

These "digital papers" may have additional characteristics beyond voting rights, such as access to certain markets using the issuer's token or preemptive rights beyond ordinary preferred shares. Because security tokens are built into web3 technology, these rights will spread as quickly as the underlying technology.

What is a utility token?

ICE DAO “utility tokens” offer something of practical value that is different from the traditional ownership in companies found in security tokens and tokenized securities.

Web3 Ancillary Tokens contain only the non-proprietary components of tokenized securities and security tokens, which may forfeit the economic benefits of ownership. These include voting rights, access to people, places, specialized products in the metaverse and the real world, and digital assets such as NFTs.

“Web3 is largely a countercultural movement that opposes large organizations that control our data, financial and other valuable resources. Web3 is built on blockchain technology and includes decentralized finance (DeFi) such as cryptocurrencies, decentralized creation and ownership of intellectual property such as NFTs and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).”

Tokens can include - preferential rights to purchase future goods or free "mining" like those that can be obtained from companies raising capital at an early stage, on traditional crowdfunding platforms, without transferring any ownership rights in the company, those " investors" who provide capital.

Thus, where cryptocurrencies are involved, utility tokens can also be minted (issued) to provide access to a specific market of the cannabis industry or a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) focused on the cannabis industry.

What is ICE GENETICS NFT token?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are utility tokens. First of all, these are digital assets that can be connected to the physical world. At this stage of web3 development, NFTs can be stored on the blockchain (on the network) or off the network, such as on a website. NFTs are usually based on a smart contract, but they can be subject to a regular contract or assignment. Typically, these are digital goods (works of art, videos or GIFs) or rights such as: access to a community, contacts, research, information or events, etc.).

“NFTs are digital assets that today are increasingly intertwined with the physical world. They can be kept by collectors, used as community membership cards, exchanged or sold. The NFT market is in its infancy, but it is visible and growing exponentially.”

Ownership of NFTs can be divided (tokenized) in the same way that ownership of any asset or business enterprise can be divided between owners.

NFTs are assets defined by Merriam-Webster as “a unique digital identifier that cannot be copied or replaced, the latter is recorded on the blockchain and used to verify the identity and ownership (as a specific digital asset and specific rights associated with it).

“Investopedia defines NFTs as “cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other.”

NFTs are conceptually different from underlying assets. The NFT is a unique copy of the asset, not the asset itself. Necessary NFTs can be minted in connection with a specific item, service or project in the desired amount. This is important because NFT ownership does not automatically confer intellectual property rights. Generally, whether or not IP rights are granted, can be found in the relevant sales contract.

The ICE DAO project team and contributors project a total value locked (TVL) of $500,000 (US) over the next 6-18 months.


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